I mean they are due to run everywhere. I set a simple test ( see below Main settings)on my two devices. And... I moved around the city. My aim was to check the devices performance.
I introduce again my two devices:
HTC 510 (~200€) Vs SONY E3 (~140€)
We have to keep in mind that the SONY is only a Cat. 3 LTE device (100Mbps DL / 50Mbps UL), whereas the HTC is a a CAT.4 LTE (150Mbps DL / 50Mbps UL)
I was really impressed because the two device are very stable. Not so much test failed:
Next question is about the performance; for instance the Web Velocity (Time to load a page is clearly on HTC favor).
But the surprise comes from the FTP Download. Remember the HTC is due to beat the SONY as it is only CAT.3 LTE... it is the case, but not by far.
As a conlcusion I would say the price for LTE performance is not an evidence to me. What I really enjoy is the fact the HTC is fastest in WEB browing with a better reliability.
That's for more important criteria.
My test setting are: